British gas-detection equipment specialist International Gas Detectors (IGD) has developed a new range of ionic-based ammonia (R717) gas detectors – the TOCSIN 750 series – that provide “long-life” for ammonia detection in industrial refrigeration applications.
According to a press release from IGD, electrochemical sensors currently used for ammonia refrigerant leak detection are consumed or corroded by low levels of the gas, meaning if there is a “background level in a plant room, the sensor life will be drastically reduced” and will give rise to a “potentially fatal” situation should a gas leak occur. industrial gas leak detector
“[Since it] uses advanced materials with an optimized design, the [ionic] technology is not consumptive,” said IGD. “This allows the sensors to operate effectively where ammonia is either continuously present at low levels or during an accidental release.”
In a separate press release aimed at using the detectors for ammonia refrigeration plants, the company said the sensor “can operate for 5 years and will recover after large NH3 [ammonia] leaks occur,” making safety “simpler and more cost-effective.”
In addition, since the technology of the unit does use water as an electrolyte, it detects ammonia in operating temperatures down to -40°C (-40°F), whereas electrochemical sensors require water vapor and are generally specified down to -20°C (-4°F). An alternate optical sensor for ammonia gas detection, based on infrared technology, also has low-temperature detection restrictions, IGD says.
The TOCSIN 750 series offers three products for different applications: the 750S aspirated, the 750 safe area and the 750X ATEX-rated gas detectors are all “designed to be as flexible as possible and meet all necessary site requirements [applicable] to fitting gas detector systems,” says Andrew Collier, Managing Director at IGD, in a company YouTube video.
The units communicate over a single daisy chain two core cable that powers the detector, too, says Collier, which reduces installation costs by 70–80%, making the installation “simple, fast and configurable.”
Using the company’s cloud base application, all data, alarms and cause and effect set points from the unit can be seen anywhere on one screen, Collier says, with the ability to join multiple control panels together.
The 750S Aspirated Gas Detector provides remote detection in hard-to-access areas with “piezo pump technology and virtually no moving parts, no valves nor pump seals,” the company said. “Ideal for freezer rooms, industrial refrigeration plants and compressor areas, the detector can be placed in an easy-to-reach area and sample from up to 20m (21.9yd) away.”
The 750S unit provides ammonia gas detection from 0 to 1,000ppm with exposure monitoring and plant shutdown alarms set at 25, 35 and 500ppm.
“The TOC-750 Safe Area Addressable Gas Detector is the most versatile gas detector available on the market,” said IGD, adding that it can “easily” be used to upgrade existing analog systems, with ammonia detection from 0 to 100ppm or up to 5,000ppm.
Each detector has seven I/O (input/output) points, allowing for additional interfaces for other gas detectors, beacon sounders, temperature and humidity indicators etc. The molded front and final assembly prevent penetration of corrosive gases, moisture and dirt to reach the gas sensor, “extending detector life and ensuring peak performance.”
In addition, the TOC-750 uses plug & play technology with a removable front, allowing users to “easily” replace end-of-life sensors with a new pre-calibrated one to reduce ongoing maintenance costs.
Made from corrosion-resistant stainless steel, the 750 ATEX Addressable Gas Detector provides the same functions as the TOC-750 unit but meets the European ATEX (Appareils utilisés en ATmosphères EXplosibles) and the international IECEx (International Electrotechnical Commission Explosive atmospheres) standards for devices intended for use in explosive atmospheres.
In addition to meeting the ATEX/IECEx standards, the unit‘’s housing and sensor meet IP65 for waterproofing. “Designed for use in some of the harshest environments,” the company says the 750 ATEX sensor applications could include “places subject to wash-down regimes such as breweries.”
IGD offers a portable ammonia gas detector weighing 93g (3.3oz) for individual protection in industrial ammonia refrigeration settings that can be purchased online for next-day delivery.
Established in 1917, IGD has over 100 years of experience in manufacturing gas detection equipment and providing its clients with consultation, design and installation services. Besides ammonia, the new 750 series has sensor options for over 400 gases and vapors, including hydrocarbons and CO2 (R744). The company is also a silver partner on, another natural refrigerant marketplace operated by ATMOsphere.”
combination smoke and carbon monoxide detector “The sensor can operate for 5 years and will recover after large NH3 [ammonia] leaks occur.”